The Sun and The Moon
The sun turns and turns but actually doesn't turn,
The sun stays still
It's the moon,
Who turns
Moon, cold and hard,
Not as attractive as you,
the sun,
Who turns but not turns
I kiss, you
I am, your moon
You, are my sun
It hurts,
you burn,
and turn,
I never felt this before
I turned
But you turned
Or, not
In the moon,
They are empty, without you,
The sun
The grey is gone,
with you there,
the sun,
Who shines
I want to shine,
Just like you
Just like my sun I want to shine,
Brighter and bright
Yet this is the moon,
Moon does not shine
I do not
Why does sun embrace me?
My sun, you are
Am I your sun?
Yet the distance,
Between you and me
Sun and moon,
Was I able to cross that?
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